
Fraud Charges

If you or someone you love has been charged or is about to be charged with committing fraud in Massachusetts, it is important that you hire an experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer immediately.

Criminal fraud includes embezzlement, forgery, insurance, motor vehicle/accident, medicare or medicaid fraud, credit card fraud, and identity fraud. An experienced and dedicated lawyer will fight to defend your freedom and your future. You want to contact Massachusetts Defense Lawyer Kristen Bonavita online or call 978-376-6746.

If you have been accused or think you may be charged with fraud, do not speak with anyone about it, no matter how strongly you may feel about your innocence or the involvement of other people. It is entirely possible that an investigation by law enforcement agencies, including the Massachusetts State Police, local municipal police or other authorities. Your neighbors, co-workers or employees may have been questioned or asked to produce documents. You must hire an experienced Lawyer immediately. The faster a lawyer is involved, the more legal protection you will have.

The first step towards building your defense is conducting a through investigation. Massachusetts Criminal Defense Lawyer Kristen Bonavita will investigate all allegations and determine the most effective strategy for your defense. Kristen Bonavita will negotiate to get charges against you dismissed, fight to have charges reduced or start preparing for court.

As a former Criminal Prosecutor, Attorney Kristen Bonavita is a relentless advocate. She has considerable experience in a courtroom challenging both from a legal and factual perspective.  Criminal Attorney Bonavita is an experienced trial lawyer and can assist you in obtaining the best possible resolution of your matter.

Fraudulent Conduct

Criminal conspiracy is defined as an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime or to perpetrate an illegal act. Under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 266, section 37, there are multiple violations charged under the general category of fraud.

Oui/dui Defense

Violent Crimes

Drug Charges

Community Order

Firearm Charges

Theft Crimes

Sex Crimes

Vehicular Crimes

White Collar Crimes

We look forward to helping you and encourage you to:

NorthShore – Boston Criminal Lawyer Bonavita